A wedding isn't complete without all our friends and family being there, for some of us that includes our furry buddies! Here are some tips to help integrate your fur child into your wedding celebration!
Step 1: Ask yourself, is your pup as excited about being part of your wedding as you are? Not every dog and not every personality type is up for the excitement and stress of a wedding day. Guage your pet's tolerances and consider weather + venue. If all are a good fit; you, and they, will be thrilled to have them be a part of the day. Consider a trial run by bringing them out with you in a public space. How do they handle the excitement of crowds and new spaces? It can also be a good idea to build their tolerance by regularly taking them out and about. A list of stores that allow pets includes:
Lowes & Home Depot
Tractor Supply Co.
These can be great places to practice and get your dog used to being out of the house and surrounded by strangers
Step 2. Check with your venue! Do they have a pet policy? Is it an appropriate place for pets? It goes without saying that outdoor celebrations and rustic venues are much better suited to hosting animal attendees. Touching base with your coordinator or the venue manager ahead of time is an absolute must!
Step 3. Appoint your pup wrangler! This step is probably the most important! Having a carefully chosen person, (a friend or family member is usually the best fit for this role) who knows your animal and understands their needs is crucial. Your appointed dog sitter doesn't need to be a vet or certified horse whisperer, simply being clued into their needs is the essential! They should be willing to tend to your pets, be ready to bring them to any photo op locations, and pack them up to take them safely home at the end of the day or once the reception is underway.

Step 4. Make comfort allowances for your dog! Have a quiet spot where they can hang and chill set up for when they're not actively enjoying the celebration. Make sure that water, a small serving of food, and some of their favorite toys are available.

Step 5. Enjoy having your pup be a part of your wedding day!
